1815 – William Mahan Becomes Owner Of “Old Mingo Bottom”

The Mahans represent the historic link between “Old Mingo Bottom,” identified with the pioneer era, and the beginnings of the modern city of Follansbee in 1902.  Following the death of Henry Wells in 1815, the Mahan family took ownership of the Old Mingo bottom for the next 87 years.  During this period, gradual economic growth occurred along the Ohio River including railroads and postal services as the Mahan farm vicinity became recognized as Mahan village.

When William Mahan brought his family by wagon from Maryland to the area in 1814, they were unable to take possession of the land because Henry Wells was dying in the log cabin on the property. William, with his wife and 8-year-old son, stayed at Fort Steuben  (Steubenville) during the winter and took possession the following spring.   In 1830, while renovating his homestead, William tore away part of old log house built by Isaac Cox.   William Mahan passed away in 1853 at the age of 77.  He left his plantation to his son Thomas Mahan who in his later years was known as “Uncle Tom” by the locals.  He tore down the remainder of the old log house in 1864.

  • Brooke Scene, “Special Commemorative Edition Celebrating our County’s 200th Birthday, May 24, 1997, p. 11.