Oct. 8, 1921 – Herald Star Displayed World Series On Boards

Before radio, city residents went to Steubenville to watch the world’s series games played on two boards in front of the Herald Star newspaper office.  The street was blocked off to accommodate thousands of fans as the games were telegraphed to the newspaper and the base runners were displayed mechanically on large boards.  It was customary for the Herald Star to lease the Associated Press wire service that connected directly to the ball parks. In October 1919, inning by inning action was also posted at Ratcliffe’s confectionary in Follansbee.   The Herald Star published an extra issue with all the stories and summaries of the games and had it on the streets a few minutes after each game.

  • Steubenville Herald Star, “Watching Series,” October 8, 1921, p. 11.
  • Follansbee Review, October 7, 1919, p. 10
  • Steubenville Herald Star, October 2, 1919, p. 9