Aug. 6, 1915 – Dohrman J. Sinclair: Visioanry Of Follansbee Dies

The traffic on the Steubenville, Follansbee, Wellsburg and Weirton streetcars was suspended for five minutes in honor of Dohrman Sinclair, who died suddenly.  Sinclair was the key figure in persuading the Follansbee brothers to locate their mill locally.

Thousands came to pay their respects to the prominent manufacturer, who was described  “as a friend of the people.” The Follansbee Jefferson Glass Factory ceased operations and all of the employees attended the funeral.  Among the many beautiful floral wreaths around the casket were those from Follansbee’s Volunteer Fire Department and the S. Keighley Metal Ceiling & Manufacturing Co.

  • Follansbee Review, “In Respect to the Late D.J. Sinclair,” August 13, 1915, front page.