Nov. 15, 1918 – Follansbee Celebrates World War I Peace Agreement

The Herald Star reported that Follansbee people celebrated the peace news on Monday night, with a whopping big parade, in which everybody turned out, bands, Red Cross, etc.  So many were in the parade that there was no audience.

“Follansbee celebrated the end of the war with as patriotic a celebration as any town in the US last Monday.” About 4:30 a.m. the whittles up and down the valley began blowing and continued intermittently all day long.   Work in the mills was suspended when workers heard that a armistice had been signed.  All city businesses closed.  The rejoicing took possession of everyone.  A parade was announced for 1:00 p.m. being led by the Citizens Band.  Hundreds, yea, thousands marched the streets or rode in autos.  The Stars and Stripes and British, French and Italian flags were displayed from autos, houses and carried in hand; horns tooted and guns fired.  Following the parade, public out door speaking was held at the Penn-Main street pavilion.  During the evening crowds went to Steubenville to join the celebration there.  “Follansbee turned out 100 percent, some claimed, there were so many in the parade that there was no audience.”  In every town in the Ohio Valley, huge crowds came out, Church bells and Mill whistles rang out.  City bands led parades in celebration of the great victory of the world war.

  • Steubenville Herald Star, “Follansbee,” Nov. 12, 1918, p. 2
  •   Follansbee Review, “Victory Day Observed.,” Nov. 15, 1918, p. 1.