In the 1938 – 1940 issues of the Follansbee High school newspaper, the following city businesses placed ads. Their addresses and phone numbers are also identified below.
Buffalo Confectionery (Candies & Ice Cream), Pierre’s Barber & Beauty Shop, (159 Main), Erwin’s Market (601 Banfield), Edwards Greenhouse (Phone 218), City Grocery (Member IGA – phone 6), James Walmsley (Magazines & School Supplies – phone 29-J), Skews Cut Rate (Medicines, Tobacco, Sundries – 1050 Main), Muldrew Service Station (Hot Lunches, Pop, Candy – Across from High School), George Park’s Hardware (phone 101), C. & P. 5 and 10c Store (822 Main), The James Co. -Funeral Directors (1243 Main), and Lantz Brothers Dairy,
- The Ingot, October 13, 1938, (the above ads were in this issue).