Following the Blue Wave win over Wellsburg, a victory dance was organized by the Pepper Club to honor Coach James Carey and the Blue Wave football team. The Red Horse Tavern was a popular gathering place in the 1930s. Its location was near where the Archer Heights road joins route 2. The Homecoming Dance included a floorshow. Music was provided by Jim Lusk’s band.
The Red Horse Tavern featured big bands and dancing. It was a popular venue for banquets. Occasional squabbles also occurred there, especially between Follansbee and Wellsburg rivals. The proprietors were Jones and McCreary. In April 1937 when the Tavern re-opened after remodeling, Eddie Peyton’s band from Pittsburgh entertained over 200 couples. Later in January 1937, a Birthday Ball in honor of President Roosevelt was given at the Red Horse Tavern.
- Follansbee Review, “Red Horse Tavern..” March, 25, 1937.
- Follansbee Review, “Red Horse Tavern Opens..” April 1, 1937.
- Follansbee Review, “President’s Ball.. Red Horse..” Jan. 28, 1937.
- Weirton Daily Times, Thursday, November 17, 1939.
- Weirton Daily Times, Saturday, November 19, 1939.
- (A video tape of the Follansbee/Wellsburgh and Follansbee/Mingo 1939 games is in the Brooke Country Library, Wellsburg.)